Danger Danger: The System Is Breaking! Dr Jim Willie – Why Were 3 Men Arrested Prepping For Martial Law & Jade Helm 15 Military Takeover Of America?

“Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness.
We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love.”

Dr. Jim Willie of the Hat Trick Newsletter joins Paul Sandhu in the brand new video below and shares with us all of the signs that we’re seeing now that the system is now breaking. Dr. Willie tells us that what we’re watching in US bond markets is just the latest sign that we don’t have much time left before we witness major change.

Telling us why what we’re watching is so crucial, the interview in the 3rd video below covers the BRICS challenge to the US dollar, the raping of Greece by the predatory banks with likely repeats in Spain, Italy and Portugal and the long delayed global currency reset that will happen ‘by hell or high water’.

We also take a look at a breaking story from the Associated Press that three North Carolina men have been arrested after being investigated for over a month after stockpiling massive amounts of weapons, ammunition and rigging home-made explosives in preparation for martial law and a government takeover.

The arrested men spoke openly about their opposition to Jade Helm 15 and were allegedly preparing for armed resistance against a military takeover of America.

While ANP is staunchly opposed to martial law and any kind of a ‘militarized’ takeover of America that would lead to a ‘boot stamping upon a human face forever’, we are equally opposed to any kind of threats or violence that puts the lives the of the brave men and women serving America in uniform in danger.

With violent crime now increasing in big cities across the country after 22 were recently shot in New York we have to implore to America to stop ALL the violence, we are much better than this!!!!!

Read more: Danger Danger: The System Is Breaking! Dr Jim Willie – Why Were 3 Men Arrested Prepping For Martial Law & Jade Helm 15 Military Takeover Of America? .

Published by DM951

Never woke up, because I was never asleep. Most important time in HIS-STORY.

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