Planned Violence: Organizer of Trump inauguration mass riots doesn’t believe in “peaceful transition of power”

Good thing that so many of these zombies are lazy. I believe there is no real threat- FYI.

Alex Thomas

Organizer makes clear that planned mass disruption will not be peaceful

(INTELLIHUB) — An organizer for one of the numerous hard left groups planning mass riots in and around Washington D.C. during the inauguration of Donald Trump has revealed that they do not believe in a peaceful transition between Obama and the president-elect.

Legba Carrefour, an organizer for DisruptJ20, told Reuters Wednesday that her group planned predawn blockades and disruptions during the evening inaugural balls on top of the protests during the actual inauguration.

It was then made clear that this is not about peacefully protesting but rather part of a larger attempt to literally steal the election.

“Some 300 DisruptJ20 volunteers will work to mobilize demonstrators for a series of protests the group has dubbed the “Festival of Resistance,” reported Reuters.

“We are not in favor of a peaceful transition of power, and we need to stop it,” Carrefour continued.

“I can safely say that some groups are likely planning actions that might result in arrest scenarios”

The group has posted a manifesto on their website that also reveals that they are planning widespread civil disobedience and possible illegal actions. Calling on “all people of conscience” to shut down the event, the groups website even indicates that they believe they may be able to stop Trump’s ascension to the presidency all together.

“If Trump is inaugurated at all, let it happen behind closed doors, showing the world that the vast majority of people in the U.S. do not support his presidency or consent to his rule,” reads the D.C. Counter-Inaugural Welcoming Committees call to action.

When asked by World Net Daily why the groups meetings were off limits to law enforcement and members of the media, the spokeswoman continued, “I can safely say that some groups are likely planning actions that might result in arrest scenarios.”

“Sorry, I cannot give specifics at this time, due mostly to the fact that plans are still in flux, but also due to the fact that not all information is public.”

Amazingly, DisruptJ20 is not the only hard left group openly planning what seems to be mass riots, as another radical group, backed by former terrorist Bill Ayers, is also planning a massive disruption.

The group includes leftist activists, entertainers, artists, professors, writers, and at least one known terrorist and has launched what amounts to a sort of soft coup attempt in America with their release of a full page New York Times ad and accompanying website that lays out a concrete plan to prevent Donald Trump from ever taking office.

The website,, makes it clear from the start that this is not about simply protesting Trump’s inauguration but rather about actually preventing him from being inaugurated to the office he rightfully won.

In other words, this is a direct attempt to steal the election from both Trump and the American people.

The homepage for the groups website starts out by shouting “Bring DC to a halt!” and “Millions in the street say no!” before laying out what they are actually calling for.

“Going into the Inauguration, flood the streets of Washington, DC with millions of people, determined to stay on the streets to stop the Trump-Pence regime before it starts,” the website reads.

“This starts January 14, the weekend of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, and DOES NOT STOP till this regime is prevented from ruling. This is the kind of political crisis needed at this moment in history. It has happened before, and it can happen again,” it continues.

Interestingly, other leftist propagandists such as Rosie O’Donnell are now publicly calling for martial law in America as a means to stop Donald Trump from taking office. One has to wonder if the planned mass riots are part of a larger move to cause so much havoc that a declaration of martial law actually becomes a viable option.

Regardless, we are in for what may go down as the most intense week in recent American history.

Published by DM951

Never woke up, because I was never asleep. Most important time in HIS-STORY.

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