UN Boss Urges Schools to Promote Wealth Redistribution & Control

Written by  Alex Newman

From FreedomProject Media:

In an interview with an arm of the official United Nations propaganda machine, UN General Assembly President Peter Thomson (shown) said he is working with governments worldwide to indoctrinate children into supporting the totalitarian “Agenda 2030” produced by the dictators club. Indeed, the school curricula in every country must incorporate the UN’s so-called “Sustainable Development Goals,” or SDGs, he explained.

For those who are still unfamiliar with the totalitarian UN “Agenda 2030,” it’s essentially a recipe for global socialism and technocracy. It calls for international wealth redistribution, total government control over economic production, indoctrination of children, and more. The scheme vows to “transform our world” and “leave no one behind.” Top UN leaders call it the “Declaration of Interdependence.”

Brutal dictators and mass-murderers from around the world — socialists, communists, Islamists, and more — fervently endorsed it. And the Communist Chinese regime, which has murdered more people than any other government in human history, boasted through its propaganda organs of its “crucial role” in creating the UN master plan for humanity.

But now, the children have to be brought on board. Speaking to Africa Renewal, a project of the Africa Section of the UN Department of Public Information, UN boss Thomson highlighted everything he has done to promote the UN’s SDGs around the world. Schools, in particular, are at the center of it, with children described in the document as “critical agents of change.”

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Rockefeller Funded World Government makes many of the US decisions

Published by DM951

Never woke up, because I was never asleep. Most important time in HIS-STORY.

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