Buchanan Asks “In This Second American Civil War – Whose Side Are You On?”

Tyler Durden Patrick Buchanan via Townhall.com, “They had found a leader, Robert E. Lee — and what a leader! … No military leader since Napoleon has aroused such enthusiastic devotion among troops as did Lee when he reviewed them on his horse Traveller.” So wrote Samuel Eliot Morison in his magisterial “The Oxford History ofContinue reading “Buchanan Asks “In This Second American Civil War – Whose Side Are You On?””

Death of a Nation

US in midst of violent communist revolution James George Jatras Every living nation needs symbols. They tell us who we are as one people, in what we believe, and on what basis we organize our common life. This fact seems to be very clear to the current leadership in Russia, particularly to President Vladimir Putin,Continue reading “Death of a Nation”

The Nazification of the United States

Earlier this week, I likened George Soros, and his role in promoting violence at Charlottesville, to what Joseph Goebbels did in a series false flag events which will eventually bring the Nazis to power in Germany. The Nazification of the United States is moving forward at breakneck speed. Nazi philosophies are appearing in every segmentContinue reading “The Nazification of the United States”

Mozilla Joins George Soros’s Efforts In Launching A Strike Against “Fake News”

By: Aaron Kesel, Activist Post |  Mozilla, the non-profit organization which runs the Firefox internet browser, said Wednesday it was launching an effort against “fake news,” as fact-checking software backed by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and George Soros got its first run-out in public to shape our Orwellian nightmare of future truth arbiters. Mozilla said it wasContinue reading “Mozilla Joins George Soros’s Efforts In Launching A Strike Against “Fake News””

Is The Great American Eclipse ‘God’s Final Warning To Babylon’ Before Disaster And Destruction?

Unusual Convergence Of Events Coming Many Believe Could Be The ‘Moment Of Truth’ For Our Nation By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline In this eye-opening recent story called “Is God’s Judgement Coming On America?” (also examined in great detail in the final video below), our author discusses the words of Joel 2:31: The sun willContinue reading “Is The Great American Eclipse ‘God’s Final Warning To Babylon’ Before Disaster And Destruction?”

UN Boss Urges Schools to Promote Wealth Redistribution & Control

Written by  Alex Newman From FreedomProject Media: In an interview with an arm of the official United Nations propaganda machine, UN General Assembly President Peter Thomson (shown) said he is working with governments worldwide to indoctrinate children into supporting the totalitarian “Agenda 2030” produced by the dictators club. Indeed, the school curricula in every countryContinue reading “UN Boss Urges Schools to Promote Wealth Redistribution & Control”

Democrats move to formally censure Trump over Charlottesville

By Lesley Clark WASHINGTON House Democrats are introducing a formal resolution to denounce President Donald Trump for saying that “both sides” are to blame for a violent encounter between white supremacists and neo-Nazis and the activists who showed up to protest them. While the censure is unlikely to see traction in the GOP-led House, itContinue reading “Democrats move to formally censure Trump over Charlottesville”

In America Propaganda Has Vanquished Truth

Paul Craig Roberts In Durham, North Carolina, the seat of Duke University, a gang of largely white males destroyed public property by pulling down a statue of a Confederate soldier. Perhaps they took their cue from the neo-Nazis installed in Ukraine by Obama and Hillary following the US-engineered coup that overthrew the elected democratic government.Continue reading “In America Propaganda Has Vanquished Truth”

If Google and Facebook are not regulated, their politically-motivated censorship will drive America to open warfare in the streets

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) The violence on America’s streets must end, and that means the overt censorship of conservative voices by Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter must also end. It is time to regulate internet gatekeepers and outlaw their politically-motivated censorship of anyone who doesn’t conform to the obedient cult-likeContinue reading “If Google and Facebook are not regulated, their politically-motivated censorship will drive America to open warfare in the streets”