US Preparing Coup to Prevent Greece from Falling Under Russian Influence

The United States and Germany are prepared to engineer a coup in Greece to keep the country operating as a strategic asset on NATO’s vulnerable southeast European flank. “A putsch in Athens to save allied Greece from enemy Russia is in preparation by the US and Germany, with backing from the non-taxpayers of Greece –Continue reading “US Preparing Coup to Prevent Greece from Falling Under Russian Influence”

WW3 On Rise As Global Disorder Trends Upward And Genocide, Plagues And Destruction Lay In Wait Upon Horizon

With this linked story from July 3rd on telling us that China is now blaming Morgan Stanley and other ‘evil forces’ for the panic that swept over the Shanghai Composite after $3.7 trillion was wiped out of the Chinese market soon after the US State Department accused hackers working for the Chinese government ofContinue reading “WW3 On Rise As Global Disorder Trends Upward And Genocide, Plagues And Destruction Lay In Wait Upon Horizon”

Any Day, Russia Will Launch a Three Pronged Invasion of the United States

One day soon, we will go to bed one night and will awaken to the morning like what is portrayed in the following. This will be a morning that will change all of our lives forever. In the final days of Jade Helm, or in Jade Helm’s successor, Russian troops will be introduced to theContinue reading “Any Day, Russia Will Launch a Three Pronged Invasion of the United States”

Goodbye Washington, hello Moscow? Saudi Arabia finds friendly face in Putin.

As the world’s two biggest oil producers, Russia and Saudi Arabia working together have the potential to dominate the globe’s petroleum markets. So far, that hasn’t happened, as seemingly irreconcilable differences – and particularly US-Saudi relations – have kept them apart. But all the smiles and deal-making last month between Vladimir Putin and Mohammed binContinue reading “Goodbye Washington, hello Moscow? Saudi Arabia finds friendly face in Putin.”

On the Heels of Jade Helm, the Planned Russian Invasion of the US Is Revealed

Yesterday, I heard from an old friend who is a government official. I will not use their name because it wold endanger their life because they have inside information that FEMA camps are being built in great numbers in Texas. This person was told by a contact in the Army Reserve who has trained inContinue reading “On the Heels of Jade Helm, the Planned Russian Invasion of the US Is Revealed”

Russia’s Advanced S-400 Systems Could ‘Neutralize NATO Airpower

The S-400 “deployment in greater numbers along Russia’s borders with NATO could challenge the latter’s ability to achieve air dominance in the event of a conflict with Moscow,” Zachary Keck said in an article titled “Watch Out, America: Russia Sends Super Advanced S-400 to NATO’s Borders.” Read more: Russia’s Advanced S-400 Systems Could ‘Neutralize NATOContinue reading “Russia’s Advanced S-400 Systems Could ‘Neutralize NATO Airpower”

Russia Plots To Help Texas Secede From US While Almost 50% Of Texans Believe Jade Helm 15 Will Bring Gun Confiscation And Martial Law

Is JH15 about PREVENTING Russia from assisting ‘secessionists’ across America or is it more about HELPING the Russians return that land to Mexico as argued in this previous ANP story? Is it JUST a coincidence that the states named by Abdurakhmanov line up almost PERFECTLY with the map above of JH15 as well as theContinue reading “Russia Plots To Help Texas Secede From US While Almost 50% Of Texans Believe Jade Helm 15 Will Bring Gun Confiscation And Martial Law”

The Pentagon goes nuclear on Russia

So we’re talking about the unthinkable here; a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Russia. There’s only one scenario if that happens; a full-scale nuclear war. The mere fact that this is considered an “option on the table” reveals everything one needs to know about what passes for “foreign policy” in the heart of the Indispensable Nation.Continue reading “The Pentagon goes nuclear on Russia”