War ‘Inevitable’ Between US, China: Russian, Chinese Media

China’s Xinhua News Agency reported that the present political situation put a question mark on building peaceful coexistence between China and the U.S. “The situation has many people pondering how the two countries can avoid ‘Thucydides’s trap’ — the notion an established power becomes so anxious about the rise of a new power that aContinue reading “War ‘Inevitable’ Between US, China: Russian, Chinese Media”

Russia Fed Up With US “Lecturing” As Pentagon Deploys 250 Tanks To Eastern Europe

Fortunately for Dolgov, it doesn’t appear as though he, or any other Russian diplomats for that matter, will be forced to endure a “lecture” on democracy from the US anytime soon because as the positioning of 250 Bradleys and self-propelled howitzers, and associated armoured brigade combat team equipment” in Eastern Europe makes clear, the timeContinue reading “Russia Fed Up With US “Lecturing” As Pentagon Deploys 250 Tanks To Eastern Europe”

Jade Helm 15 Kickoff Coincides With Cremation Of Care Ritual At Bohemian Grove – Madmen Preparing To Destroy The Entire Planet

“Franchi tells us that Jade Helm has splintered globally and warns us that the highly occultic ‘cremation of care’ ritual at the upcoming Bohemian Grove meeting attended by the elite in California coincide with the OFFICIAL start of Jade Helm on July 15th. With Russia also wargaming now and also hosting huge military ‘drills’ inContinue reading “Jade Helm 15 Kickoff Coincides With Cremation Of Care Ritual At Bohemian Grove – Madmen Preparing To Destroy The Entire Planet”

Snapshot Sleuthing Confirms Russian Military Presence In Ukraine

Snapshot Sleuthing Confirms Russian Military Presence In Ukraine “I wanted to find any way to be able to confirm what pretty much everybody already believes, which is that the Russian government has been directly involved in the conflict in eastern Ukraine,” Ostrovsky tells NPR’s Arun Rath. “And it just happened to be that it wasContinue reading “Snapshot Sleuthing Confirms Russian Military Presence In Ukraine”

Pentagon chief urges balanced approach to Russian aggression

Pentagon chief urges balanced approach to Russian aggression “The Pentagon chief, who will attend his first NATO meeting as defense secretary this week, said he wants to lay out America’s balanced approach, which involves bolstering Europe’s military ability to deter Russia’s military actions” As it was leaked a few days ago from the Bilderberg conference,Continue reading “Pentagon chief urges balanced approach to Russian aggression”

How Russia’s most advanced military equipment stacks up against NATO’s hardware

How Russia’s most advanced military equipment stacks up against NATO’s hardware “Moscow’s relationship with Washington and Europe is in its worst state since before the collapse of the Berlin Wall.” When you see the piss stream media start the build up, you had better believe that the Bilderberger’s have made the decision to move theContinue reading “How Russia’s most advanced military equipment stacks up against NATO’s hardware”

Washington fears losing Greece to Moscow

Washington fears losing Greece to Moscow. “You can easily see how geopolitically this would be a gift to Russia,” says Sebastian Mallaby at the Council on Foreign Relations. “You do not want Europe to have to deal with a Greece that is a member of Nato but which all of a sudden hates the westContinue reading “Washington fears losing Greece to Moscow”

Pentagon chief to push U.S. allies to ditch ‘Cold War playbook’

Pentagon chief to push U.S. allies to ditch ‘Cold War playbook’ “U.S. officials say Ukraine has illustrated the importance of being able to counter “hybrid warfare,” the blend of unidentified troops, propaganda and economic pressure that the west says Russia has used there.” When all else fails they take us to war. This whole thingContinue reading “Pentagon chief to push U.S. allies to ditch ‘Cold War playbook’”

Pope’s Environmental Encyclical Calls for World Government

The prophecy of the popes has not been more clearer. Pretty amazing to watch all of the actually happen. ” In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit. Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills willContinue reading “Pope’s Environmental Encyclical Calls for World Government”